The tango porteño, born in the heart of the cities of the Río de la Plata, is anchored in the daily life of a proud Argentine people who are faithful to their roots.

The notion of authenticity occupies a primordial place here. This porteño tango is illustrated as a sphere, a “virtual vault” (Kuri). We tirelessly seek to separate what is inside the sphere from what is outside. What is Tango and what is not. What respects its codes, its DNA, what does not respect them.

Jorge Luis Borges describes the Aleph as a sphere whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere. A sphere where the present, the past and the future are found, without being confused, and where all the places of the universe are found, seen from all angles.

For Tangos en Aleph, the center of the sphere is the tango, and the circumference nowhere. A transcultural, diasporic and reterritorialized tango on various cultures.