tre belle done

Prelude, origin, birth: at the beginning of any project there’s a meeting, a discovery. Whether it be of a repertoire, a poetic writing, a musical composition or of the people involved, is immaterial. What actually matters is that the desire to share this magic with the public—falling in love, as it were —creates a new and powerful energy, so obvious that one can’t avoid giving it a concrete expression in the musical shape of a programme to offer in concert form as well as on CD. This is precisely what happened with ‘TRE DONNE BELLE’, a programme first performed in concert in 2019, in constant evolution ever since, and now also available on CD.
We had already worked together, with Brigitte Lesne and Christel Boiron, on several projects within the Alla Francesca and Discantus ensembles, but what sealed our collaboration, both personally and musically, was our participation in the stage production of ‘Nombrer les étoiles’, by choreographer and dancer Alban Richard. Little by little, our desire to carry on and develop that style of work as a trio has emerged on stage, next to the dancers, performance after performance, with the nature of self-evidence. Our mutual respect and affection, together with the diversity of our vocal characters, have led us to initiate a new venture that has guided the conception of this ambitious programme, paying close attention to the specific human and vocal characters, as well as to the future listeners for whom this anthology of musical ‘delights’ is intended.