Travel to the heart of Spain, from Andalusia to Old Castile, with compositions inspired by popular songs and dances, thanks to the captivating voice of Guilhem Worms, accompanied on the harpsichord by Camille Delaforge and by Ronald Martin Alonso on the viola da gamba. With field recordings collected by ethnomusicologist Manuel García Matos, this repertoire “in the Spanish genre” is marked by the freedom of interpretation and the harmonic richness of the piano and harpsichord. The voice, with its great diversity of affect and inspiration, will transport you with its vast palette, sustained to the extremes of the vocal range.
Prepare yourself for an inventive and colourful journey in the service of a chivalrous imagination and gypsy lyricism.
Prepare yourself for an inventive and colourful journey in the service of a chivalrous imagination and gypsy lyricism.