
Trio Atanassov

Perceval Gilles, violon | Sarah Sultan, violoncelle | Pierre-Kaloyann Atanassov, piano

“Chic à la française”

For our second record, we chose pieces that have become faithful companions during our time on the road. They seem to reflect our trio’s identity as it has come to be defined by musical critics over the years. The pieces also epitomize a certain idea of French music: composed with clarity, elegance and finesse, both virtuosic and brilliant, and imbued with a rich sense of colour and proportion that manages to combine passion with distinction. It is also the program we chose for our first performance at the Musikverein of Vienna. Philippe Hersant’s Trio achieves the tour de force of resurrecting Marin Marais in the 20th century whilst creating a singularly personal piece. We hold a long-lasting relationship with this Trio: in January 2008 we included it in the programme of our second concert and it has stayed with us ever since. Despite having played Ravel’s Trio several dozens of times, its unending richness and perfection remain fascinating: in our opinion, no piece better represents the so-called “chic à la française” (French chic) in music. Jean Zay describes Ravel’s music and its discrete virtuosity thus:  “With its air of breeziness and reserve, the most perfect image of elegance imaginable”. Claude Debussy’s Trio is a more recent addition to our repertoire. Under its simple and jaunty appearance, this early work is full of subtleties which reward repeated listening, making it a lesson in subtle atmosphere and nuance. Thus it was deemed absolutely worthy of belonging on this recording.

The Trio Atanassov

website Trio Atanassov