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July 2020

Ronald Martin Alonso

Ronald Martin Alonso

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Ronald Martin Alonso

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Ronald Martin Alonso, viola da gamba

Born in Cuba in 1980, The Franco-Cuban viola da gamba player Ronald Martin Alonso lives in Paris, France. His first forays into the world of early music were with the Ars Longa ensemble, (Direction: Teresa Paz), which has performed in many of Europe’s leading festivals alongside leading conductors such as Claudio Abbado and Gabriel Garrido. His recordings from the Latin American baroque repertoire have been distinguished by the specialist press, including the Diapason d’Or, Choc du Monde de la Musique, ffff Télérama and a score of ten from Répertoire. With the Stravaganza ensemble, in 2011 he was awarded the Critics and Media prize, as well as third prize in the International Chamber Music Competition Premio Bonporti in Roveretto, Italy, the Graaf Unico Wilhelm prize at the Van Wassnaer Competition in Amsterdam (Netherlands), and in 2012 the F.J. Aumann prize at the H.I.F. Biber International Competition in Austria. In 2011 he founded the Vedado Musica Ensemble to produce musical projects centered on the viola da gamba melting baroque and contemporary musique. In 2015 he made his first solo recording, Les Folies Humaines, comprising works by Marin Marais. He regularly performs with leading ensembles, including La Cappella Mediterranea (Leonardo GarcíaAlarcón), Il Festino (Manuel de Grange), Fuoco e Cenere (Jay Bernfeld), Les Traversées Baroques (Etienne Meyer), Stravaganza (Thomas Soltani), Desmarest (Ronan Khalil), La Chapelle Rhénane (Benoît Haller), les Métaboles (Léo Warinsky) at leading festivals in Europe and Latin America like the Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Dutch National Opera Amsterdam, Opéra National de Paris, Opéra Royal de Versailles, Auditorium de Radio France, Auditorium National de Bordeaux, Festival d’Ambronay, Festival de la Chaise-Dieu, Festival de Sablé, Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires, Opera de Rio de Janeiro, just to mention some of them. He is graduate in classical guitar and double-bass from the Havana Conservatory of Music. Recipient of a bursary from the Centre International des Chemins du Baroque, in 2007 he was awarded his Specialist Diploma in Viola da Gamba after studying with Rebeka Ruso and his Diploma in Chamber Music after studying with Martin Gester at the Regional Conservatory of Music in Strasbourg, France. Three years later, in 2010, after studying with Ariane Maurette at the Paris Region Conservatory of Music, he was granted his Masters in Music (Viola da Gamba) on a unanimous decision and with the compliments of the jury. He has participated in several master classes and academies run by Jordi Savall and Christophe Coin at the Royal College of Music in London, with Marianne Müller at the Paris Region Conservatory, at the Périgord Noir Baroque Academy (M. Laplénie), the European Baroque Academy at Ambronay (M. Gester) and the Montfrin Baroque Academy (G. Garrido).

website Ronald Martin Alonso




Marco Brescia

Marco Brescia

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Marco Brescia

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Italian / Brazilian organist settled in Porto (PRT), Marco Brescia is a remarkable specialist in the historically informed performance practice of Iberian and Italian keyboard music (16th — 19th centuries).Mr. Brescia performs regularly in prestigious organ and early music international festivals like Euro-Via / Festival Internazionale di Venezia, Festival Organistico Internazionale Città di Treviso e della marca trevigiana, Stagione Internazionale di concerti sugli organi storici della provincia di Alessandria, Settimana Organistica Internazionale di Piacenza (ITA), Landsberger Orgel Sommer (DEU), Festival Internacional de Música Antigua de Daroca, Festival Espazos Sonoros de Galicia (ESP), Festival de Órgão da Madeira, Festival de Estoril / Lisboa (PRT), Festival Internacional de Música Colonial Brasileira e Música Antiga de Juiz de Fora (BRA), etc. The classes given by José Luis González Uriol in the early music courses of Daroca (ESP) were crucial to Mr. Brescia’s artistic development. He holds a masters in Performance of Early Music / Historic Organ (Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), accomplished under the supervision of Javier Artigas and in which he was awarded with the prestigious matrícula de honor, as well as a PhD in Musicology (Universities Paris IV – Sorbonne / NOVA de Lisboa), receiving the highest commendation, très honorable à l’unanimité. Mr. Brescia is currently a researcher at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences / NOVA de Lisboa University, where he is an effective member of the CESEM – Centre for Studies of Sociology and Musical Aesthetics. Main promoter and technical coordinator of the critical restoration of the historic organ Almeida e Silva of Diamantina (1787) he was decorated by the Government of the State of Minas Gerais with the Medalha de Honra Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek.

With the soprano Rosana Orsini, Mr. Brescia recorded at the historic organ Manuel de la Viña / Ramón Cardama of the Convent of Santa Clara in Santiago de Compostela (1713/1865) the album «Angels and Mermaids: religious music in Oporto and Santiago de Compostela (18th/19th century)» (Arkhé Music, 2016). Since 2015, he has been the artistic director of the Festival Internacional de Órgão de Vila Nova de Famalicão e Santo Tirso (PRT).

website Marco Brescia


Zipoli in Diamantina

Zipoli in Diamantina


Alissa Zoubritski

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Franco-Moldovan pianist Alissa Zoubritski shares her career between solo piano recitals and chamber music. She majored in both fields at the National Conservatories (CNSM) of Paris and Lyon. She has studied with Rena Shereshevskaya and Géry Moutier. Other influences include Anne Queffelec, Paul Roberts, Aldo Ciccolini, and more.

Passionate about the lyrical repertoire, she graduated with distinction in vocal accompaniment at the Guildhall School of music and drama of London.

​She performed as a soloist in various festivals in France, among which La Roque d’Anthéron, Aix-en-Provence, Colmar, Radio-France de Montpellier. Several of her concerts were recorded and broadcasted on the French National Radio. She also gave concerts in China, Poland, Germany, Moldova, Greece, the USA,…

Alissa is a laureate of a number of international piano competitions, among which “Vulaines sur Seine”, “Opus Yvelines”,  “Lions club” international competition in France and Germany.

​Appointed vocal coach of the Paris Bastille Opera Studio in 2011, she played for opera productions and recitals, and met and collaborated with conductors, stage managers and choreographs. These experiences nurtured her musical vision and her interpretations. Venues included vocal recitals at the Opera in Paris, Lille, Nancy, Lyon, and at the Louvre Auditorium. Among her stage partners are Michal Partyka (baryton), Diana Axentii (soprano), Sophie Boyer (soprano), Damien Pass (bass-baryton)…

​In 2019 Alissa recorded a CD dedicated to vocal transcriptions for the piano. Recorded under the artistic guidance of Alice Legros, pieces include transcriptions of lieder and melodies by Rachmaninov, Liszt, Granados. Three of the pieces are world premieres: “Tic-Tac” for piano by French composer Jean-Baptiste Robin, as well as two transcriptions by Alissa of the melodies  “Dream” by Rachmaninov, and “Les chemins de l’amour” by Poulenc.

​Alissa is involved in the education of young pianists and singers, and teaches at the Ecole Normale Alfred Cortot, where she is the teaching assistant of Rena Shereshevskaya, and is vocal coacg at the Conservatory of  Rueil-Malmaison.

​She was awarded the “prix de la vocation Bleustein Blanchet”.

website Alissa Zoubritski


Transcriptions lyriques

Transcriptions lyriques